For some time now i have been collecting quirky Japanese and retro vintage fabrics. I would go to local trash and treasure markets every weekend when i lived in the city, there would usually be a couple of stalls that had random lengths of fabric, beautiful retro vintage design for 20 cents a pieces. Very soon i had a whole crate full of fabric pieces and not really sure what to do with them. Buy sheer luck one night on during one of my “late night online expeditions” i found a supplier of hand bag handles and purse frames. After s few trial designs my “Quirky Coin Purse” line was born. These were and instant hit and immediately picked up by a couple of my suppliers.

I began to search for new and fun designs, on Etsy.com i can across a mountain of kitschy retro Japanese printed cotton fabrics, everything from Alice in Wonderland, to Bambi to cute birdies. Needless to say new carte of fabric is now over flowing with cotton delights

I’ve also just discovered a stunning little Quilting fabric shop is the small town i just moved into. They stock a lot of “classic” fabric designs, there i found some darling teal coloured fabric with floral design featuring birds, so i now have some “chic” styles to the line
Sadly these purses take ages to make, as all the purse frames need to sewn in by hand and with all the other goings on i haven’t the time to make too many. A small selection is currently in store at incube8r in Melbourne and i hope to have the full range listed on my website and my Etsy store in the next few weeks.
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