I bought this vintage male mannequin from a seconhand dealer in Koo-Wee-Rup over a year ago with the intention of using it as a photography bust. 12 months on and i've bearly used and in fact it's actuuly been standing on my front verandar since December last year.
I had orginally planned to sell it but had a brainwave last week and wondered wether i could turn the mannequin in to a unique display board for my outdoor markets. As the bust was made form fibreglass i decided to use chalkboard paint for the job.
The process is used was very simple:
1. wash all surfaces to be painted throughly with water and a cloth (use water/sugar soap mix if the bust is more than just dusty)
2. Apply one thin even coat of chalkboard paint and allow to dry for 24 hours.
3.Apply 2 more coats of chalkboard paint allowing 24 hours drying time in between.
I recommend you use paint rather than the spray as you get more coverage with the paint and thus cost you less. You can use chalk sticks or liquid chalk markers to write on the bust and a damp cloth to earse and clean-up
I'm really pleased with the results and think it would also be perfect standing outside my shop (one day when i finally open one).
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